Friday, November 11, 2011

The Mystery of Success

Success for so many individuals appears to be such a great mystery. Every person on this planet wants to have success in one form or another and rightly so. A large cause for it being such a mystery to the greater part of the world is that most people don't know what success is. They have a terrible time defining success. Success Secrets will remain a mystery as long as individuals remain ignorant to their personal definition of success. In order for someone to move in the direction they want to go they must know where they want to go. 

If you were to decide that it’s time for a vacation and pack the bags, grab the car keys and head off toward your destination it would be a difficult time not knowing what that journey might be. Success is not any different of a journey. You must know what success is in order to be able to know where to go and perhaps you’ve already reached the destination and not realized it. The secrets of success begin to become exposed when order is brought to the mind. Order comes from gaining clarity in understanding. You must become aware of what success is and not by the defining standards of mainstream society.

Clarity and order occurs by getting a definition of success thereby creating for the individual a direction for their journey. Reading further into this post I unveil the best definition of success ever composed. By understanding the definition it will begin the steps of achieving your desired results. Recognize that success is a journey and not a destination. It is human nature to always move toward expansion and increase. Once a person reaches or realizes a certain result within a short time they begin on another portion of their journey toward a new result.

In order to be efficient in your success journey included here is the definition of success as created and supplied by the well known self development pioneer Earl Nightingale:

“Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.”

           Clearly Earl understood something about taking action and moving toward and not away from something that is of tremendous importance to the individual. As we dissect the definition the first word progressive needs to be identified with taking action over a period of time. The period of time does not have to be extensive. However, there is a gestation period of realizing the results you want. A worthy ideal recognizes that we should be moving toward an objective that is the ultimate of our desires and worthy of us trading our life for.

            A summarized dissection would be as follows success is taking action over a period of time to realize the ultimate desire that is worth trading your life for. There is nothing in the definition that states having a million dollars or being ruler of the universe. Rather, it illustrates that a school teacher, garbage man, business tycoon or any other class of people can fulfill the definition as being successful. Take a few moments and ponder the definition of success and inquire within if you are on the right journey. 

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